
A Quick Guide on How to use One-Hitter & Tutorial for Cleaning a Weed Grinder.

If you are into vaping or in a habit of smoking for the past so many years, then definitely having one-hitter in your collection is something which you should never miss at all. For the people who are new into cannabis, for them knowing about what is a one hitter will be an exciting thing.

Discussing about the one-hitter, it is a practical and a versatile pipe which is available in a variety of styles to meet your smoking needs. It is small and is included with various flavors to make your vape experience a worth one. By having a one-hitter by your side, you can also control the dosage, conserve the stash and let the things to stay discreet and clean.

The reason why one hitter is getting popular is due to its portable nature as well. It is small and lightweight that you can easily have it put in your pocket for the travel use.

How to Use a One-Hitter?

Now the main question which probably hit so many minds is that how to use a one-hitter! Use of one-hitter can be perfectly done in three simple steps which are discussed below:

  1. You have to pack the one end of the one-hitter with the ground cannabis. Just make sure that it is fairly tight so that the bud can stay at one place even if you hold the pip horizontally.
  2. Now place the mouthpiece near or against the end of lips and simply pull it gently by lightning the cannabis over the end of pipe.
  3. Just inhale, hold and then release.

Try it now!

How to clean a weed grinder? Tutorial guide for Beginners

Once you got the weed grinder, you should first of all be concerned about cleaning it. This is probably because the grinder can have some dirt or the weed pieces inside it which can make the whole smoke experience to be a dull one.

For cleaning the grinder, you should unscrew each of the pieces and set the piece over the paper towel. Shake out each of the grinder piece for getting any of the loose metal shavings to be out. Once you are done with the shaking, you can use the rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl alcohol) and the Q-tip for getting in between the teeth and the screw grooves.

Once you have cleaned it with the rubbing alcohol, rinse it through warm water and allow the grinder to get air dry.

With time, once you start using it, the weed grinder will collect some residue inside it which can get stuck into the device. Therefore, it is important to let your grinder have the quality cleaning so that it won’t ruin your experience of having weed.

Follow the steps below to know how to clean a weed grinder:

Step 1:

You have to take apart the grinder and simple place each of the piece into the safe container of freezer. Place your bag in the freezer and wait for at least one hour.

Step 2:

Now take the bag out from the freezer having grinder and place each of the piece over the cookie sheet. Tap each of the grinder piece to easily knock loose the frozen residue and simply kief it onto the cookie sheet.

Step 3:

Make the use of toothbrush for brushing away the residue over the cookie sheet. This will protect the sweet kief for your next joint.

Step 4:

In the step 4, you are left with variety of options. You can choose to wash away the grinder under the warm water with soap. Or you can also soak the grinder by rubbing the alcohol for maximum 30 minutes to almost one hour. This will be depending over how much water you need.


Well we hope that with this guide you must be having enough information about what is one hitter and how you can clean your weed grinder. Both of these items are considered to be the most popular ones in giving your smoke experience a new fun and thrill. So make sure you keep them cleaned properly and free from debris.

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